
Using 3D Design and Augmented Reality to Reduce Waste

The sample prints of the past have been replaced with 3D rendering technology. A perfectly designed 3D rendering is meant to create a photorealistic representation of a sign, print or product that doesn't yet exist.

This allows us and our clients to identify potential design flaws before actual production ever begins. This typically saves us all a ton of cash, and cuts down on wasteful material use, transportation-related carbon emissions, and time spent waiting for samples.

Since it enables the client to connect with and understand the product, 3D rendering technology is helpful for us to pitch a design.

The signage and print sector has been rather slow to adopt the use of 3D software in the design process, in contrast to many other 3D design industries where the usage of 3D software such as ArchiCAD, Rhino, and others has altered both workflows and outcomes. Early 3D rendering software was an expansion of pattern cutting technologies in use in the fashion industry.

The Lockerbox Co. is trying to be as green as possible, so as we go forward, we intend to use 3D rendering and AR software to present samples to clients that request them. As the tech becomes more accessible, this will soon become industry standard and we would like to be at the forefront of that.

Watch this space for the 3D Microsites, allowing you to interact fully with your samples.. You can request your own 3D sample here.

LC Smart Lockers for the Smart Office

Smart Lockers are a great solution to transform time-consuming manual tasks into an automated process. Built with digital technology beyond simple keyless entry, our Lockers offer fully integrated reporting and real-time management.

Smart lockers and storage solutions for agile working and hot-desking environments

They can provide dynamic personal storage for hybrid workplaces, automated device management, flexible click and collect for retail stores and secure package delivery in any setting. 

Smart Lockers are great for

  • The Agile Workspace

  • The Office

  • Residential Areas

  • Retail BOH

  • Schools, gyms and colleges

  • Package Delivery

Find out how the Lockerbox Company can help you improve security and revitalise storage areas here.